2023: A Year of Connection.
…This year was hard…
Hard in ways I never expected, and in ways I certainly imagined. Becoming a mother was hard. Learning to balance business, being a mom, and still being everything else I was before, was hard. If I’m being totally honest, I’m not sure I’ve had a year before where “joyful triumphs” and “epic fails” intertwined so tightly with one another. It’s almost impossible to believe in a season where happiness is constantly trailed by fulfilled fears…… Yes indeed, this year was hard.
Now I know what you’re thinking. “Jen, this is not a cheery New Year’s post.” But hang with me for a moment. You see, earlier in December I read a quote that popped up randomly on my Facebook feed. It said…
“I wish we could talk about our hearts like we talk about the weather, because whether or not we are okay is more important than the chance of rain” — R. H. Swaney
That really hit me. I have never heard something so descriptively close to how I enjoy living. I can small talk the crap out of anyone; But I love hearing about people’s hearts. And I love giving away some of mine. Sharing our experiences - good and bad - is the only way to really connect with those we want to be acquainted with. Connection is a big part of why I feel we’re here. We are meant to be part of one another’s stories, and it’s why I love my job so much. Every person I meet is on a unique journey, and in various parts of life.
I meet couples who are beginning their commitments and those who are 50 years in the making. I watch parents hold precious new lives and I’ve sat with parents mourning their little one(s) who’ve been called home. Joyful milestones, life-altering moments and the road to loss; It’s through sharing and living each client’s experience that I’m best able to give love, empathize, connect, serve, grow, and even get a healthy dose of perspective.
So seeing how important these moments of connection are, for 2024, I’m here to tell you about my heart…
Happy New Year | © Noel Photography and Design
Last year began with me being 8 months pregnant, still shooting sessions, and worrying about becoming a mom. God sent me just the right clients for this time. Right before maternity leave I helped welcome two newborns to the world while talking “mom life” with a couple of wonderful “seasoned” women. I sure thank you ladies for your love and encouragement for a brand new mama. I so deeply needed it!
My due date of Feb. 26 came and went. We went into surgery on March 2 after induction was ineffective due to the cord wrapped around baby’s neck twice. Thankfully everything went smoothly, and before we knew it, we were “mom and dad” to a darling little boy we named Graysen. And so began our love story as a family of 3!
© Noel Photography and Design
I’d be lying if I didn’t say maternity leave was rough. We spent weeks, which turned to months, looking for answers as to why our little one was screaming for HOURS upon hours a day. Trying to heal from surgery, find myself and a new routine, while caring for an inconsolable newborn was certainly overwhelming. Our families were so amazingly supportive, but most had never had these types of infant issues. Once again my Noel Photo Family stepped in. THANK YOU to the mamas who reached out about the path you walked with colicky, dietarily restricted infants. Thank you for sharing your gritty details, and giving hope, to a distressed, frustrated and struggling new mom. While I wish we could have skipped to the good part a little faster, without this struggle I wouldn’t have learned about YOUR strength and my ability. God knew I needed you.
Then came my first Mother’s Day. It was a great example of joy intertwined with struggle. Half my heart was overjoyed to be holding a little life that was MINE, and the other half was breaking that my own mother wasn’t here to see any of it, or help me through the struggle. It’s true…we never outgrow needing our mom. So while I can’t confide in her here on earth, I keep her motherly spirit in my heart to refer back to when things look grim.
Top: Jen & Graysen; Bottom: Jen & Mother, Michele
Summer, fall and winter brought on the real chaos of the year. The studio was moving into busy seasons, we still hadn’t found childcare, and the balancing act began. Little man joined me in the office, but days were often cut short by his discomfort. Which meant sessions were delayed, projects were put on the back burner, and I felt as though I had failed you all. All the fears of how my business would be effected by becoming a mother were coming true. After all, up until the moment I heard him cry in the delivery room, this business had been my baby.
Also in the fall we made an abrupt move to our new house. One of those where we were literally scooping off the counters into boxes and throwing them in the car. Just as we were finally getting settled into our home, and enjoying the new space, we were faced with losing one of our young fur-babies unexpectedly. This was incredibly hard on our family, but especially me. Darla was my shadow who followed me through my day, the comforting soul who had sat with me as my baby cried for hours, and a pure source of happiness for our little boy. As my time became filled with more time at home, she was that little bit of extra glue that held the days together. We really miss her and all the joy she brought to our family.
So where ARE WE LEFT FOR 2024?
With joy to find, strength to use, and space to grow. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for hanging with me this year. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. Thank you for giving me strength in ways I didn’t know I needed. Thank you for loving my changing family.
Thank you for allowing me to “fail” with grace.
For it’s in the failures of the year that I see the growth for 2024.
This last year has shown me first hand that babies really don’t keep. So I have decided to use my blessing of flexibility to keep Graysen with me at the studio for day-to-day operations. We are now officially a “family run” business. 😉 This of course means some changes for how my days flow. So I am working to create a work space conducive to his needs and mine, which will take some time. However, the first step is moving to my NEW STUDIO! If you haven’t heard, I will be taking over the former True Value building in downtown Hebron. (Opposite side of the block from my current location.) This will open up some new creative opportunities for my clients, and open our community to more new businesses!
A special THANK YOU to the Casey and Kenner families for investing your time and spaces into young businesses like mine, and investing in the growth of Hebron! You both are truly a treasure to our community.
I’m really looking forward to refining my business and honing in on my greatest loves for 2024. I won’t promise perfection in the 365 days to come, but I will promise 100% effort for connection, growth, and my best. I can’t wait to see your smiling faces in the new year!
Jen and Family
Noel Photography and Design