A Virus Can't Steal Your Love - Or Your Veil.
As I sit to write my heart on a page it’s pouring rain outside. Most would say “depressing,” but frankly these are my favorite kind of days for thinking, pondering, and getting my plans in order. Social media has been full of stressed heavy-hearted brides (and disappointed students for their proms & graduations.) With my own May wedding hanging in the balance I can honestly say, “I hear you. I see you. I am one of you.”
It’s frustrating to not know what to do. It’s soul crushing to think that instead of saying “I do” you’ll likely be home in your jammies, or at least celebrating with a much smaller group. Maybe even without people you couldn’t imagine being absent.
As I laid in bed last night the photographer and event planner in me couldn’t stop thinking proactively. “Potential new date? Elopement plan? Who can attend the smaller ceremony? Which vendors will I need where if we split it into two days?”….But the bride in me just wanted to cry. “What if my dad can’t walk me down the aisle? Will my sister in Colorado even get to attend our elopement?”
I continued to lay there obsessing when a reminder came over me:
When has God ever REALLY let me down in timing?
This may not resonate with everyone but hear me out. Throughout my faith I have been shown over and over that timing is everything. Say it with me again, because it’s THAT important…
I have so often found a little plot twist, and letting go of worry, is just what I needed to get me to what I’d been praying for. In fact, without faith and letting go of doubt I may have never even MET my fiance. So believing our wedding day will be perfect, no matter how it goes down, shouldn’t be any different. Because at the end of it all the most important outcome is — we’re married. I’ll have the love and commitment from my best friend; Even a virus can’t take that away.
Be sad and cry your heart out, but only for a minute. When you’re done fix your veil, find your new path and dance all the way down it. God and the universe are about to lead you to a wonderful outcome. One full of love, strength and the power of family and community. And in the meantime keep an eye out for those positive moments. Maybe it’s more time to add details, a few more months to make payments, a chance to marry the love of your life twice, or one more precious year together before kiddos change it all forever. Though it may feel you’re drowning in sacrifices the blessings around the corner are about to surpass all the struggles.
Deep breath bridal warriors. Your moment is STILL on its way.
XO- Jen, a hopeful May 2020 bride.
Noel Photography and Design
#May2020BrideHoldingOn #BridesAgainstCoronavirus #ButItsAlwaysTimeForWine
© Noel Photography and Design
Noel Photography and Design
402-768-1809 | jen.noelstudio@gmail.com